Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Workshop Proposal #2 - Revision

Workshop Title: How to Get Students To Revise?

Targeted Audience: Elementary and middle school teachers of writing

Length of Worskhop: 3 hours

Presenter: Jeri Ortego

Synopsis: Participants will learn how to increase students repriotore of strategies for revision

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Workshop Proposal #1 - Newspapers

Title: Strategies that Work for Integrating Newspapers and Writing

Targeted Audience: 5th/6th grade Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts teachers

Length of Workshop: One-and-a-half to two hours

Presenter: Judy Broussard

Synopsis: Participants will learn how to guide students in creating and presenting a newscast from a newspaper.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Preview of "Socratic Circles"

Are you searching for a way to manage classroom discussion and foster critical thinking? You may want to try Socratic Circles.
Here is a review this great book: